Thursday, June 17, 2010

My dog gets a pink rash on his underside only?

he chews and scratches constantly, its not mange what could it be? all the hair is rubbed off and sometimes there are tiny little bumps around the perimeter of the pink belly. could it be fleas?

My dog gets a pink rash on his underside only?

could be fleas or an allergy to something he lays on like the carpet or grass.

My dog gets a pink rash on his underside only?

I agree with Heather.

It could be an allergy to fleas, grass, carpet, bedding.

How do you know it's not mange? Have you had skin scrapings done by your Vet?

I would at least get a check up with your Vet and have this checked out.

My dog gets a pink rash on his underside only?

my grandmas dog got it once took to the vet it was from the grass.

My dog gets a pink rash on his underside only?

Could be fleas or allergies or urine burn.

Fleas tend to congregate at the head and genitals (sources of moisture) and the belly is more sensitive, so it could cause a rash.

Dogs can get a wide array or allergic reactions to almost anything just like people. You'd have to take him to a vet to figure out what is causing it, and even then you might never know.

My schnauzer has a tendancy to squat too low when she urinates and the urine pools on the ground and touches her belly (especially if the ground is very very dry or saturated so that it doesnt absorb the liquid as quickly). He tummy is so sensitive that the urine being on her belly (she always pees first them walks around for a while, so it sits on her a while) causes a rash that looks similar to a heat rash.

For that I wash her belly with a baby wipe and try and prevent her from licking or scratching it. It usually clears up significantly in an hour or so after that.

My dog gets a pink rash on his underside only?

it could be what they call a hot spot. I was told to use lavender oil to treat it, but if it looks like it could be painful, you need to call the vet so they can perscribe something for it.

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