I got a pink cortex straightener today and at the mall where I got it they had a stand where they had it and they did it on your hair. for theirs they did a curl on my hair, and then they straightened it and they only had to run it through once and all this steam came out. I curled my hair when I got home and i straightened it and the part they did at the mall is perfectly straight while my other hair is just normal.
how come it was so much more effective when they did it? do I have to wait for it to heat up or something?
Really high quality hair straightener.. better in demo?
I have the same one. You have to let it get sure hot. The hotter the straightener the better it works. Let it sit for at least 15-20 minutes.
Really high quality hair straightener.. better in demo?
you may have to wait for it to heat up, and it also may be because they are better at it than you. My hair looks way better when my mom does it than when i do, because she's better at doing hair. Just practice, and you'll get your hair looking like that everyday.
Good luck!
Really high quality hair straightener.. better in demo?
Yes.. It has to warm up first off...
Second.. Just as a tip for you.. since I have extremely curly hair.... lol
Try this... Once it is heated use smaller sections of hair....
small tooth comb in-front of the straitening iron...
This keeps the hair running strait as it goes into the straitening iron... make sure your following your comb with the iron.. Hopefully that makes sense. They used to make a straitening iron that had a built in comb.. but cant find it anymore...
Heat is major important.. But another key to remember is the cool air "Sets it in"
so let the hair cool before you drop it and go to the next piece..
Good luck..
The other option is permanent chemical straitening...
That's what I am doing tonight... Tired of the iron every stinking day! ugg
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