Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What hair product...?

What hair oil can I use on my hair to flat iron it, and not cause damage to it?

I need one of those oils you put in hair and immediately flat iron it, yet I don't know what kind it is,

I've heard of an oil with a pink tag, know any names???

What hair product...?

I use Silk Elements from Sally's Beauty Supply. It costs about $6.00- $7.00.

Just use a little after you towel dry your hair, then blow dry and iron.

Remember don't use a lot. The bottle should last you forever!

What hair product...?

hey, well your hair will always be slightly damaged by using any type of heat appliance unfortunately and oils are probably not the best thing to use before you staraighten your hair. When your hair is wet you should put in a leave in moisturiser. This is because when u straighten ur hair ur flattening the hair strand which also strips the moisture out. So your hair will love any moisture treatments you can give it. If you like to keep your hair straight there is a product by Pantene pro v called extra straight %26amp; relaxing creme which when your hair is bout 80% dry u put in, it doesnt make your hair straight but it helps keep it that way once it is. but anyway, back to protecting your hair b4 straightening. Try 'heat and style' by a brand called SO, or any type of thermal spray from Vita 5, theyre reli good n smell great. Or even 'Flat out' by KMS. what it does is put a protective layer over the hair so the so your straightener doesnt fry your hair. u should use it each time ur straightening n never ever straighten your hair while its still wet or has moisture in it. hope that helps. xx

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